Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Silver Charm

silver charmsSilver Charms - The Best of the Best

By David Harfield

Silver charms are one of those pieces of jewellery that absolutely anyone can wear and they can look great; however, if you want the best of the best, then you will have to follow the advice in this article in sourcing optimum charms to make sure that you don't get left with a dud set of jewellery.

You see, the great thing about silver charms is that they can go with any outfit, unlike some other less versatile pieces of jewellery like brass or emeralds; check out any Hollywood actress from the young and beautiful to the old(er!) and graceful and you will see that they can all rock a set of silver charms!

Now, we can hardly expect Hollywood actresses to have the time or implication to source out a bargain for their jewellery, (while they probably do have a fair amount of time between filming, they probably have better things to do, like relaxing in baths of asses milk and playing with ivory back scratchers!), yet that does not stop us from seeking out a bargain online.

silver charmYes, that's right, the best place to find a cheap deal on these charms is on the internet; by searching the world wide web, you can compare and contrast various prices and levels of quality and you can begin to get an idea of which companies to go for.

Imagine your favourite Hollywood actress and picture what piece of jewellery it is that she will be sporting to the next red carpet screening of a blockbuster, then search for it online and purchase it for a fraction of the price that your idol will have paid for it!

Then invite all of your friends round and have a red carpet screening of your own; albeit,it may involve a few less blinding camera flashes and screaming fans and more clicking disposable cameras and a few hoot and hollers from your pals, but hey, throw in a few bottles of cheap fizz and it will feel like the real thing!

So, it seems as if there's nothing left to wait for, you should go and grab your silver charms right now; just picture whichever star it is that you are trying to emulate and strike your most daring pose, then bejewel yourself with your new purchase, close your eyes and just start signing the imaginary autographs!

Check out my other guide on Silver Horse Jewelry

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